

Privacy In Goal Setting

September 8, 2020

In case you’re not kidding about an objective, you might need to cancel the presses and hold the social media posts until you’ve gained some genuine ground with the entire undertaking.

Knowing when to be silent is a key component in your life. Working in silence can be one of the hardest things to do because you want guidance and encouragement, but everyone doesn’t wish you well.

A lot of times we set out to accomplish something and reveal it before the right time. Then once we reveal it we see failure and wonder why, this sometimes is because we share it with the wrong persons and they pray against the goal. you want to build a foundation in your solitude before you put your goal on display.

In a time such at now when businesses are popping up people wonder why they fail, its because we rush the process. Instead of doing research and taking our time on the foundation we are in a competition with other people. Anytime when you are starting something new you have to close yourself away and really focus on what it is that you want to accomplish, remove all distractions. Don’t look at what others are doing because that will cause you to lose focus.

Three things that I live by to accomplish my goals are:




Everything does not work for everyone but you figure it out along the way.

I have been working on a goal for about 6 months now with this mindset and while I am not ready to reveal anything it has been a journey. Some days I’m excited and other days I feel overwhelmed, that is where prayer come in. I also have 5 affirmations pertaining to that specific goal, and I research everything, LITERALLY!!!

So far this is working for me and I like keeping it to myself, so when it is time to share I will be prepared for constructive criticism.

Don’t forget to share wheat you do when embarking on a new venture.

Ashley Phillips


Goodybag Cosmetics
